Body Positivity

Body positivity is a social movement based in the belief that everyone should have a positive view of their own appearance. It grew out of the fat acceptance movement but promotes positivity in view of all body types including obese, underweight, short, transgender or disabled. The cause has grown in popularity and been take up by many celebrities, artists and commercial brands.

While there is little dispute that a person’s opinion of their own appearance has a strong impact on their sense of self-confidence and dignity, there is contention over the health risks of obesity and the extent to which society should confirm to these body positivity ideals. Is there a point at which the health risks of obesity outweigh the psychological benefits of self-acceptance? Should art conform to body positivity ideals such as by using non-conventional models in advertising campaigns or by rewriting stories and films to include a wider variety of body types?

Do you accept or reject the notion of body positivity? Do you accept it in regards to physical characteristics that a person has no control over like height, congenital abnormalities, or injuries? TO what extent should we support this movement?


Geoff Brown


Creative Commons CC0

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